

Automatic Detection of Phylogenetic Footprints


      Unusually high conservation/similarity of non-coding sequence fragments is thought to indicate functionality. As far as non-coding sequence is concerned, the most common function of DNA is to bind proteins. Therefore, conserved regions are usually regulatory regions.
      Our program TRACKER detects multiple local alignments most efficiently in large homologous gene clusters of not to closly related species. In this case the tracker hits are termed 'cliques' and resemble phylogenetic footprint clusters with an average length of 15-300nt.

    Input and Output

      INPUT Uses sequences of 2 to very many large, homologous regions and the gene positions (to exclude genes).
      OUTPUT A big list of footprints containing there position and length in the sequences [latex].
      A postscript overview.
      Dialign alignements of all individual footprint (cluster).

    Download Tracker

      Tracker can not be downloaded yet. See below for resons.

    Countdown to the Online Availability of Our Program

    • Tracker is not running on Windows yet
    • Writing the input files is a bit complicated and has to be changed
    • Usefull error messages have to be included
    • Conversion into a web tool is going to be initiated

    Other Usefull Tools

    CutterSequence manipulation tool, also cuts exonfiles
    genbank2exonswrites an exonfile using the information in a genbank file
    proc_dialignproduces a nice postscript overview of a dialign alignment

