Proteinortho - Orthology detection tool

The current version of Proteinortho can be found here:

Old version


Proteinortho V3.1.6 - Source code


This program finds orthologous proteins within different species.

It can either be started giving the intended files in fasta-format (at least two) after the OPTIONS or just one file containing the paths to these. This is especially useful if their number grows. Each file should represent all proteins (or the part of it that should be investigated) of one species.

In a first step all files are blasted against each other. The hits will be evaluated according to the given OPTIONS and transformed into a graph, where each protein is represented by a node. This graph will be fragmented into its connected components, thus proteins which are connected to each other.

Proteinortho was designed to deal with large data sets and also behave nicely regarding the memory consumption. However, it works for small sets as well.
Details about the algorithm and benchmarks can be found in this thesis.

Protein ids must be globally different! You should also consider that blast may cut the ids on a whitespace using the first part only.

Output Format

The OUTPUT is a tab separated matrix.

First line starts with # followed by the file names. Second line starts with # followed by the corresponding number of proteins in the files.

From here each line represents a connected component and therefore the ids of determined orthologous proteins.



E-VALUE for blasts

[default: 1e-10]

number of THREADS to make use of dual- and multi-core CPUs

[default: 1]

defines the blast program

[default: blastp]

enables or disables reciprocal the blast condition

[default: 1 (enabled)]

minimum similarity of best blast hits allowed are doubles within the interval (0..1) all hits with Formula are included
takes all hits into account
1 only the best (maybe more with equal bitscore)
useful to handle paralogous better

[default: 0.95 (nearly equal)]

applies an additional blast for every species against itself
this may increase the detection of paralogs, but is normally not necessary a similar hits are found if -m is not set to 1
force blastall (even if blast output is found)
force formatdb (even if databases are found)
removes blast outputs after use

gives information about what happens, including a progress report and a lasting time approximation

defines the DIRECTORY for the blast outputs

[default directory: working directory]

includes putative paralogous proteins to the output
sets which contain such proteins are not reported otherwise

paralogous protein ids are separated by ","

[default file: cc.matrix]

keeps temporary files for debugging

logfile for pairwise blast hits

[default file: pb.log]

logfile for connected components

[default file: cc.log]

ultimate logfile, this is actually a post-process of plog and clog

the creation is very time intensive and not recommended if more than 10,000 proteins are involved

[default file: ultimate.log]

Multiple Machine Options

The main part of Proteinortho consists of blasting each species against each other. This can take several hours up to days if hundreds of species are involved - even on multi-core machines. For this purpose a mechanism has been implemented which allows to distribute that workload over multiple machines.

Every option aside from -a=#THREADS needs to be the same. This is especially important for the directory in which the blasts are stored. A file named sync will be created their and used to synchronize the processes. As flock is not capable for network file systems a temporary directory named lock/ is used for locking. Both may need to be removed if Proteinortho was interrupted or crashed and a restart is intended.

Run all scripts using the option


As the scripts synchronize themselves the order or time you start it on different machines does not matter. You can even stop certain processes if needed. See SIGNALS for more details to that topic. After the blasts are done, all started scripts will be terminated.

If that happened, you can grab the results and finish the calculations. Start the script again on one machine using the same options as before. Instead of -blastonly use the option



To run this program the standard way comparing two or more species type: speciesA.faa speciesB.faa >orthologs.out

If you want to define the number of threads, have live progress report and store blast files in a separate folder, type:

mkdir blastout -a=4 -verbose -dir=blastout/ files.list >orthologs.out


Copyright ©2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Reporting Bugs

Marcus Lechner marcus[at]bioinf[dot]uni-leipzig[dot]de


Written by Marcus Lechner, Lydia Steiner and Sonja J. Prohaska

Bioinformatics Group, Department of Computer Science, and Interdisciplinary Center for Bioinformatics, University of Leipzig

See also a tool which allows to generate trees based on the shared proteins