SimulateGeneDuplications: evolutionary gene cluster divergence.

This program accompanies our upcoming paper (???).


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Installation from sources via stack:

This software can be compiled and installed using stack in a small number of steps. Note that some packages only provide a library and no executable.
  1. Prepare a directory for the software:
    mkdir ~/haskell/
    cd ~/haskell

    (If you choose another name, replace accordingly below)
  2. Install stack itself. Binaries are available here. Copy the binaries into the ~/haskell directory.
  3. Download the SimulateGeneDuplications software:
    ~/haskell/stack unpack SimulateGeneDuplications

    This unpacks the newest version of SimulateGeneDuplications, the version itself being referred to as -VERSION, which you should see via ls.
  4. Compile:
    cd ~/haskell/SimulateGeneDuplications-VERSION
    ~/haskell/stack build
  5. Execute (you can find the executable names, if any, in the cabal as executable build targets):
    ~/haskell/stack exec EXECUTABLE
  6. Optionally, install any executables into ~/haskell/bin/
    . This simplifies actually running the programs later on. mkdir -p ~/haskell/bin
    ~/haskell/stack install --local-bin-path ~/haskell/bin