Axel Mosig


bbq [details]
Discovering cis-regulatory modules (clusters of transcription factor binding sites) C++
Axel Mosig (2005)
fragrep [details]
Efficiently searching fragemented patterns in genomic sequences C
Katrin Sameith, Axel Mosig, Peter F. Stadler (2004)
ReSCue [details]
Retrieval System for Curves – Prototype for geometric shape and pattern matching; pattern matching w.r.t. the (discrete) Frechet distance (Visual) C++
Axel Mosig (2003)
freespace [download]
Drawing Free Space Diagrams of Polygonal Curves.
Small, but very useful. If you do not have a Mathematica installation available, open the notebook with MathReader and look at the examples.
Axel Mosig (2003)
groupindex [details]
Generic C++ library for content-based retrieval (Visual) C++
Axel Mosig, Rolf Bardeli, Frank Kurth, Tido Röder (2001,2002)


ReSCue - Retrieval System for Curves: Prototypic C++-implementation with a simple graphical user interface of an algorithm for matching polygonal curves with repsect to the Fechet distance.

[download executable] (windows; requires qt dll (V2.3 non-commercial) available from
[download source code] (windows; requires VC++ and a proper installation of trolltech's qt library)
[source code documentation]


For source code feel free to contact me.  
GroupIndex is a generic C++ programming library for creating content-based indexing systems by implementing so-called G-inverted lists. G-inverted lists generalize inverted lists (or inverted files) as they are known form full text retrieval to non-textual data such as 3D-objects involving queries that may undergo translation and rotation. GroupIndex heavily relies on the use of C++ template classes; the underlying problem setting is as follows: a transformation group acts on a class of objects – for instance, triangles in three dimensions are transformed by rigid motions. Given a database of documents, each document being a collection of objects, we want to perform the following tasks:
  • Create an index for fast content-based constellation search
  • Given a query constellation and an index, determine whether the query can be transformed such that the transformed query is a subset of one of the documents
The algorithms behind GroupIndex are based on a generalization of inverted file indexing, so-called G-inverted lists. The basic idea behind the implementation is that the properties of the transformation group and the object space are implemented as C++ classes, which satisfy certain algebraic constraints and are passed as template parameters to the corresponding GroupIndex classes.