13. Herbstseminar der Bioinformatik

BioVis - HowTo - Workshop

by Dirk Zeckzer and Daniel Gerighausen

Visual encoding of data: How to map data to color, form, and other visual variables
Guidelines for creating suitable visualizations for your data
How to avoid common pitfalls?
Examples of good visualizations in Bioinformatics
BYOD: Bring your own data (visualizations)


The goal of this workshop is making the participants aware of the guidelines, pitfalls and available solutions wrt. the visualization of biological data. It will consist of two parts.

During the first part, design guidelines will be presented that should be followed while creating visualizations. Further, pitfalls to avoid will be shown.

For the second part, the participants are encouraged to bring their own visualization problems and visualizations. The goal of the second part is to discuss the pros and cons of the existing visualizations. If no visualization exist, we can propose possible visualizations to interpret your data with respect to the research question you want to answer.


The workshop will be held in the conference room of hotel JEF. It is planned that we have two days, September 30th and October 1th (Wednesday and Thursday), with a session of 90 minutes each day.


None :)


Please prepare the following information your discussing suitable visualizations:


Active participants will be officially authorized to bear the title "Certified Visualizer of the Bompfünewerer Consortium" in personal communications within the Bompfünewerer Consortium.