M. Clausen, A. Mosig, Approximately Matching Polygonal Curves with Respect to the Frechet Distance,
Accepted for Special Issue on the 19th Europ. Workshop on Comp. Geom. of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications., 2004.

Motivated by problem settings such as the determination of motifs in proteins or molecular docking, we present a generic framework for finding geometric similarities between two molecular shapes. Our approach is based on minimizing a distance between the two given shapes, where a problem-specific distance function can be chosen from a certain class of distance measures, the so-called relational distance measures. The setting we investigate is as follows: we are given two molecules, modeled as point sets (or, in some cases, as point sequences) P and Q in R^3, where each point represents a chemical entity such as a single atom or an amino acid of a protein. Furthermore, we are given a distance measure $\d$ between point sets such that d(P,Q) measures the resemblance of two molecules in a fixed spatial position, with values of d(P,Q) close to zero indicating large resemblance; the resemblance usually changes when one of the molecules, say Q, is rotated or translated (i.e.,~transformed by a rigid motion g). In this setting, many typical pattern matching problems involving molecular structures fit into one of the two following problem settings: Global resemblance between P and Q: It is our goal to find a transformation $g$ that minimizes the distance between P and Q, i.e., arg min_g d(P,gQ), with g ranging over the set of all rigid motions in three dimensions and gQ denoting Q transformed by g.
Largest common substructures of P and Q: Given a fault tolerance eps>0, we want to determine largest possible substructures P' of P and Q' of Q such that d(P',gQ')<=eps for some transformation g. In typical application scenarios, we also have physical or chemical features attached to the points in P and Q that can be taken into account by the distance measure d. Based on algebraic considerations, our algorithms for determining global resemblance and common substructures work for any distance measure that is a relational distance measure, and yield solutions that are within a guaranteed quality of approximation. Relational distance measures encompass distance measures such as a discrete version of the Frechet distance, which is a suggestive distance measure for geometrically aligning protein backbones and determining motifs, as well as the Hausdorff and the bottleneck distance, which are well-suited for applications involving surface interactions between molecules.