A. Mosig,
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen zur effizienten Konstellationssuche
(in German, Algorithms and data structures for efficient constellation search),
Master's thesis, Univ. Bonn, 2001.

In this thesis, the concept of G-inverted lists is applied to content-based retrieval of three dimensional surfaces. G-inverted lists generalize the concept of inverted file indices known from full text retrieval by the means of group theory. In the case of three dimensional surfaces, fragments of a query surface can be retrieved from a large database of pattern surfaces. The query fragment is retrieved independant of rotation or translation against the database patterns.
For the prupose of 3D-surface retrieval, the concept of G-inverted lists needs to be equipped with certain mechanisms of fault tolerance. To this end, a method for fuzzy set intersections is introduced and the $\eps$kd-tree data structure is introduced. This variant of kd-trees allows range queries to be performed in logarithmic time if the query range is bounded by the minimum distance of the underlying point set. Furthermore, G-inverted lists are studied from the category theory point of view and, finally, issues of index compression based on Elias-gamma coes, Elias-delta codes and Golomb codes are discussed briefly.