FRANz beta



On Unix machines (Linux, Mac OS X), please type after installation (without $):

$ man FRANz

For Windows, you can download this manual here.


The input file looks very similar to the one of Migrate or PHYLIP:


7 Springfield

Grampa     1 1920 ? M 110/100 200/208 ?/?

Homer      1 1950 ? M 110/170 200/210 300/302

Bart       1 1982 ? M 110/120 200/212 302/304

Lisa       1 1980 ? F 140/170 200/218 302/306

Maggie     1 1988 ? F 110/140 210/212 300/304

Marge      1 1952 ? F 120/140 212/218 ?/306

Flanders   1 ? ? ? 160/160 214/214 300/?

The first line in this file says the dataset includes one sampling location and three loci. The alleles of diploid genotypes are separated by a slash (/), and the dataset title is "SIMPSONS". The second line is for the first (and in this case the only) sampling location, Springfield, and there are 7 individuals genotyped.

Now we come to the genotypes:

Grampa     1 1920 ? M 110/100 200/208 ?/?

The first ten characters (EXACTLY ten! Just like in Migrate or PHYLIP) are a description of the genotype or individual. Then, the next number is how often this genotype was observed. This is meant for clonal organisms which will be supported in future versions of this tool. The 1920 is year of birth of Grampa, ? his year of death (unknown), M his sex (F for females and ? if unknown). The rest of the line is reserved for the 3 diploid loci. If you have your data in an Excel Spreadsheet, then please save it as Text CSV file and use our CSV Import tool to convert it in a valid input file.

Now, try to run FRANz with this input file. First, prepare a folder that contains the input file above. Save it as simpsons.dat. Then on Windows, open the Command Prompt (in Programs, Accessories), on Mac the Terminal (Applications, Utilities).  You should see something like this:


Then, you have to change to the directory containing the simpsons.dat file:

C:\Users\Joe> cd FRANz



C:\Users\Joe\FRANz> FRANz --N 2 --femrepro 14:45 --malerepro 14:45 simpsons.dat


  1. 1.When I click on FRANz, a black window pops up for a moment and nothing happens!
    FRANz has currently no graphical user interface. What actually happens when you click on FRANz.exe is that it starts, complains that there is no input file and exits. Windows then automatically closes the Command Prompt. You have to start the Command Prompt manually, see QUICK START above!

  2. 1.No matter what I try, FRANz complains about my input file.
    Did you use our CSV converter? Then please write a bugreport! If not, the most common error is that the genotype description is not EXACTLY 10 characters long. See the examples.