Mathews correlation coefficient (MCC) of different ways to score the conservation term in RNAalifold, on the CMfinder SARSE data-set.

Best (if applicable) is the best performance achieved, the other uses the (old) default parameters.

All computations (except the 2002 variant) were done using the new variant of not counting gaps as bases for energy computations.
Computation type MCC
RIBOSUM best 0.936
New best 0.916
2002 (Old) best 0.884
Pfold-like best 0.876
New 0.845
2002 0.831
weighted 0.828
Pfold-like 0.760

Mean results when using the parameters of Andronescu et al. versus the usual Turner parameters. While some predictions are better when Andronescu's parameters are used, on average they do slightly worse than the Turner parameters.
Computation type Dataset MCC Turner MCC Andronescu
RIBOSUM CMfinder 0.936 0.904
New CMfinder 0.845 0.832
2002 CMfinder 0.831 0.819
RIBOSUM RNASTRAND-Rfam 0.759 0.758
New RNASTRAND-Rfam 0.710 0.688
RIBOSUM Rfam 0.790 0.766
New Rfam 0.746 0.727
2002 Rfam 0.729 0.718